Mezzanine Installation in Yorkshire
A Mezzanine floor is the perfect solution when maximising floorspace in any gymnasium design. Sports retailer JD have recently branched further into the leisure industry opening gyms across the UK. PDC were commissioned to install many elements of this modern industrial theme at their Batley Gym near Leeds in West Yorkshire. The project is located on the Bradford Road which is in the east of the town towards Leeds city centre.
The Project
Exposed RSJ’s were powder-coated to present a brand aligned finish. Hard wearing chequer-plate stair treads were also installed to complete the look. The bespoke balustrade cage style in-fills were supplied unpainted but finished with a lacquer to prevent corrosion. Areas of the mezzanine staircase were also boxed in with plywood to present a stylish cosmetic finish, but also offer some storage areas under the mezzanine stairs for gym and maintenance equipment. The total floor space installed was 75m2 with two staircases and all associated handrails. The mezzanine installation from start to finish took a total of three weeks and was approved by Building control officers from Leeds City Council
Client Testimonial
As a retail client we have high standards for design, style and public safety when installing raised platforms. PDC consultancy always present the most cost effective and brand aligned solution. Anyone looking for a mezzanine floor in the Leeds area should contact PDC.